Monday, July 27, 2009

Apache is ittitating me can anyone help me step by step?

(OS 10048) Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network/address/port) is normally permitted. :make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down, unable to open logs

In summary, I have a Windows machine running Windows XP Pro SP2 that has 2 Web Servers installed on it. The first one is Apache which I did not install and was assigned to ip address, For another project that my client has going, the WebCrossing Web Server was installed and assigned to ip address, If I type in the ip address for the WebCrossing Web Server, I get the correct website. If I type in the ip address for the Apache Server I get the Page is Under Construction Message which appears to be in the default c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory which leads me to believe that MS IIS is started. However, when I issue the iisrestart /stop command and go to the ip address for the Apache Server I still get the Page is Under Construction Message.

I'm very confused as to what is going on and would like to get the Apache Web Server and WebCrossing Web Server running on the same box. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Apache is ittitating me can anyone help me step by step?
I'm pretty much a Linux guy myself, but that error message indicates that there's already something using port 80. So - either apache is already running and listening to port 80, WebCrossing is already online and listening on port 80, or IIS is already running and listening on port 80.

That means that you have more then 1 problem...

Problem 1) No web server should be listening on port 80 - but it appears that 2 are

Problem 2) You need assistance configuring your instance of apache. ;)

If this were a Linux machine, your config could be edited by editing the httpd.conf file. Perhaps windows has something similar.


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